Qualcomm Makerspace Check-in System

Qualcomm Makerspace Check-in System

Qualcomm Makerspace Check-in System

Qualcomm Makerspace Check-in System

2-minute check-in system to access a million dollar prototype laboratory.

2-minute check-in system to access a million dollar prototype laboratory.


  • Check-in system with confusing interactions, and outdated visuals

  • Takes longer time checking in, creating a line, blocking the entrance, and causes people to skip it

  • User data, and safety waiver

The realization of this project was made possible through the collaborative endeavors of the development team and the design team.


  • Validating safety compliance

  • Providing privileged access to secure equipment and other amenities

  • Maintain funding from the school

User Research

  • Observed users for a six-month period.

  • Users:

    • Students: Design, Engineering, Arts, Political Science, Economics, and more

    • Academia: Masters, PhD, and Professors

    • 3rd Party Companies: Prosthetics Company, Chemical labs, etc


How it works

User Flow

Lofi Prototype & User Testing

Design System

Hifi Prototype and More User Testing

  • Felt too dry

  • Colors didn't match the UCSD spirit

Onboarding Screen

Instruction Screen

Account Creation Screen

Final Presentation

  • Showcased my user flow to my manager from the ground-up to the final prototype

  • Pointed out I should prioritize the instructions section to make it clearer

Final Design


  • Collaborated closely with the developers, ensuring a seamless transition from the prototype to implementation using Tkinter

  • Recognizing the constraints posed by Tkinter, I devised techniques to facilitate the development process

Problem Solving

Implementation and Product Testing

Upon the development team's completion of translating the prototype and integrating it into the system's procedural code, we proceeded to incorporate the new prototype and conducted product testing with incoming users.

  • Valuable insights:

    • Language employed in the instructions

    • Presentation of user status.


  • It can be easy to feel stuck in the original design

  • Trust the design process, every step is important, tenths of a second can get you pole position.